What is Iridology?

As your body formed in the womb, your nervous system was one of the first things to develop. A network of tiny nerve fibers extended from your central nervous system to every part of you. Did you know that your iris is formed from the same tissue as your nerves? Your iris is an outwardly visible part of your nervous system—truly a window to the whole body.

An iridologist is someone who has specialized in the study of the iris. An iridologist can look very closely at your eye and tell you about your biological systems: your organ systems, organs, glands, and tissues are represented in the over 20,000 nerve endings that make up your iris.

You probably know that the color of your eyes is genetically inherited. It should not surprise you then to know that the particular features of your iris, and the constitutional strengths and weaknesses that they connect to inside of you are also passed on from parent to child. So your iris is not just a map of your own health, it is a key to understanding your family’s health, both parents and children.

Where did Iridology come from?

Hippocrates, known as the father of medicine, once said “Behold the eyes, behold the body.” He was what we would today call a naturopathic doctor. He used food, exercise, and other natural therapies to help sick people get well, and rejected the use of poisonous substances and surgery. His method of examination included a lot of basic observation, and he believed that the body gave outward signs of what was happening inside.

The study of the iris is not new. As far back as the 16th century, a doctor named Paracelsus directed his audience to “consider the eye, with which art was created, and how the body impressed his exact anatomy on it.

In modern times, iridology became an internationally recognized healing art over 150 years ago through the work of a Hungarian scientist and physician named Ignaz von Peczley. Peczley did extensive research and wrote a treatise called “Discoveries in the Realms of Nature and the Art of Healing” that showed his findings about the connections between the iris and the overall health of a patient. Today, the International Iridology Practitioners Association certifies health practitioners in over 38 countries who have demonstrated skill and understanding in the field of iridology.

What are the benefits of Iridology?

An iridology consult is a non-invasive review of your iris followed by a discussion of what is visible there. When you visit a certified Iridologist, you can:

  • Learn about the relative strengths and weaknesses of your biological system, so that you can take a more active role in managing your own health.

  • Identify personal health priorities in order to address current health concerns and prevent future issues from developing.

  • Learn to regulate your nervous system, your thoughts, and your emotions more effectively by understanding your dominant autonomic type.

  • Gain insight into family patterns of various syndromes and pathologies, such as gastrointestinal disorders, hypoglycemia, blood anomalies, or heart problems.

  • Learn which foods may be harder for you to digest or make use of in your body.

  • Identify areas of nervous irritation and subluxation in the spine, which can help you prevent additional pathology in the body.

  • Become aware of any potential connective tissue weakness before it develops into an internal injury such as a hernia or hemorrhage.

  • Identify potentials for high uric acid, cholesterol levels, and lymphatic congestion.

  • Gain insight into your personality and emotional characteristics.

What can I expect in an Iridology Consultation?

Your iridologist will not give you a specific medical diagnosis (a latin name for a collection of symptoms), but they will give you a lot of information to help you make smarter personal health choices. A certified iridologist is a health specialist who has the added benefit of knowing specifics about your system. They can answer questions and help you take care of yourself more effectively.

You can expect to meet one on one with your iridologist in a comfortable setting. They will view your eye under magnification, using a light to make sure that they can see all the available detail. Your iridologist will take a picture of your iris and keep it on file for future reference, and to be able to identify any changes that take place over time. If you would like a copy of any images captured by your iridologist, you may request them.

Your iridologist will take some time during the consult to discuss with you some of the major features visible in your iris. She or he will also take time after the consult to review the images of your eye, to give you a more thorough analysis at a later date.

What if I have an eye condition such as glaucoma or cataracts?

Viewing the current state of your iris is the whole purpose of your iridology consultation. Any current eye conditions that you are experiencing may provide useful information for your iridologist.

You do not need to worry about getting your eyes dilated in order for your iridologist to see what can be seen. Unlike an ophthalmologist, who dilates your eyes in order to see your retina and optic disc, your iridologist is interested in viewing the specific anatomy of the outer parts of your eye.

If your iris is visible, your iridologist can learn something to help you make more informed health choices.

How do I prepare for an Iridology Consultation?

The first thing to do to prepare for your iridology consultation is to book an appointment through the links available on this page.

You will receive a confirmation email with the date and time of your appointment, and a personal health history for you to fill out.

It is best to fill out as much as you can of the personal health history form ahead of time and send it back, so that your iridologist can review which health concerns have already become clinically apparent and which have not yet manifested. Your iris displays a map of your health; your health history is like the star on the map that says “you are here.”

On the day of your consultation, it is preferable not to wear any makeup around the eyes, to avoid getting any makeup in your eye or on the lens during the examination. If that is not possible, you can still attend your iridology exam.

You can eat and drink as normal before your consultation. Try to get a good night’s sleep before the exam to minimize the amount of temporary irritation caused by sleeplessness. Again, this is not a reason to postpone your consultation.

Finally, bring your curiosity, and your determination to take charge of your health. You are going to get some answers, possibly to questions you did not even know to ask. It’s best to come with an open mind ready to learn all that you can.

As a Certified Comprehensive Iridologist, my goal is to help you do things that you never thought you could by achieving optimal health.