Red Light Therapy

What is Red Light Therapy?

Conventional light therapies has been around over 50 years (since 1967). They've been shown to be effective and safe through numerous double-blind clinical studies and have been FDA approved for decades. While they are known to work, few (if any) providers understand how or why they work. Until DNA Vibe.

How Does It Work?

When our body experiences any form of injury, it instinctively kicks into action, jumpstarting DNA expression to rebuild healthy tissues and replace the damaged ones. In fact, it's happening to you right now as you read this page!

The role of DNA in our health and wellness is crucial, as it acts as the primary agent governing our natural regenerative processes. Enter DNA Vibe's patented technology, designed to promote molecular excitation of DNA, actively stimulating and amplifying the body's built-in regenerative mechanisms.

In simpler terms, we provide a gentle boost to the body's natural recovery. As the body fights to recover, DNA Vibe lends a helping hand, allowing it to fight down hill with the wind at its back.

That boost can make a world of difference!

As a Certified Comprehensive Iridologist, my goal is to help you do things that you never thought you could by achieving optimal health.